His album Applied Pressure is coming out in October.

Meet independent artist L.Rucus from Vallejo, CA. During his Instagram live interview with Remixd Magazine, he talked about dedicating himself to music, working a 9-5, overcoming doubts, and his new music on the way.
Some artists who inspire his sound are Mozzy, Nipsey, J.Cole, Kendrick and Big Krit. The talented artist has the ability to both sing and rap on a song, showing that he is versatile and skilled in all areas.
We’ll be on the lookout for his album Applied Pressure coming out in October. Keep scrolling to see a snippet of the IG live interview and to learn more about him.
What city are you from/ Where are you based now?
Vallejo, CA
What is your artist name? What is your real name? How did you get your artistname?
My artist name is L.Rucus. The artist name came about when I was a kid while I was inclass and my teacher told me to stop “causing a ruckus.” I liked it and decided to runwith it. When I got older I decided to abbreviate it to “L” instead of little after beinginspired by J.Cole.
At what point in your life did you decide to pursue a career in music?
It was always there, but it was when I was around 20 years old when I decided toreally go in and go hard — perfect the craft, professional visuals, EPK, representation,business, the whole nine.
How would you describe your sound to readers who may not be familiar withyou?Urban Pop and Hip/Hop with RNB Vibes. Sounds crazy but i’m a big fan of these artistwho have nothing to do with RNB or pop. Big Krit, J.Cole, Kendrick, Nipsey andMozzy. I can just appreciate the sonics in an R&B/Pop song.
What ultimately inspired you to dedicate yourself to a music career?
The freedom, the expression, the absolute creativity and the ability to beunapologetically yourself and share your story.
What’s one reason you are passionate about music and what inspires you?
It allows me to share my story and show exactly what I want, how I want. It’s mytherapy and my happiness all at the same time.
Do you have any hobbies outside of music? What do you do to stay creative?
I’m honestly super boring lol. I box, work out, read a lot of books and just chilland enjoy quietness. I’m a super low key chill person.
Who are some of your main musical influences?
Mozzy, Nipsey, J.Cole, Kendrick and Big Krit.
What are some of your music career goals for the future?
Become fully self-sufficient with music being the income that keeps me afloat, andturn into a mogul. Then use this to branch into other areas/facets.
Tell us about the project that you are promoting. What is it about? Is it a singleor EP?
Currently have a few things in the works, I’ll start in order. I have a record I’ll bereleasing with Ted Park and visual dropping soon. Afterwards a full album with my boyTrill Lee and finally a series of singles per month to keep the energy up and vibes coming.My last project was a solid EP titled Danger. Just high energy songs and a way totest my high energy bars.
What has the response been like to that project?
It was good. Had a big record and I shot a visual too titled “What She Say” that hasover 65k views on YouTube.
What are some projects you’ve done in the past that you are most proud of andwhy?
The long way home and this upcoming project with my boy titled “ApplyPressure” are easily my favorites they both are pivotal points that showcase mygrowth and evolution sonically and as a man.
What’s next for you? Are you working on any upcoming projects we should beon the lookout for?
I have a record I’ll be releasing with Ted Park and visual dropping soon later October. Afterwards a full album with my boy Trill Lee, finally a series of singles per month to keep the energy up and vibes coming.
What message do you hope fans take away from your music?
I’m just a regular person who makes music that reflects how he feels and what he’s goingthrough. If you can get down with that and something resonates with you orany of my experiences touch you, then that’s all I care about.
Where can we follow you on social media?