Alon Mylo drops contemplative new track, “Space Donuts”

Alon Mylo isn’t afraid to explore the unknown, and that’s often expressed in his music. The singer does wonders by fusing indie/alternative pop elements with a melting pot of experimental sounds. His artistic style is reminiscent of musicians like Tame ImpalaToro y Moi, or Mac DeMarco

While the production exudes a sense of calmness, Alon Mylo takes a moment to speak about the tough stuff. Between the lines, he digs deep into self-analyzing and progression. At the same time, he encourages others to appreciate the finer things in life, a la “Sundance.”

His newest intergalactic-styled offering, “Space Donuts” elaborates on a lost phase every young adult faces at some point in life. Dark organ chords and 808 eventually follow the beat.

 Comparing the song’s title to how we sometimes “float by,” the musician assures others that every cloud has a silver lining. In like manner, he stresses how important it is to live life to the fullest. No one should let doubt or fear hold them back from loving hard and making irreplaceable memories. Throughout “Space Donuts,” he crosses over between a smooth and resounding vocal range. Given the lyrical context, this new record is prone to move a listener to do some shadow work of their own. 

Remixd Magazine had the opportunity to chat more with Alon Mylo. Keep reading to learn more about his artistry, and be sure to stream his song “Space Donuts” below:

How did you get your artist name?

My real name is Alon Miller but i just changed my last name to Mylo cause it’s basically a short for My Love which i thought is beautiful , so now my artist name is Alon Mylo 

How would you describe your sound to readers who may not be familiar with you?

For me, the sound of every song can change completely because every song has its own world, so it’s hard to categorize it, but for now it’s kinda like Alternative pop. But isn’t everything these days alternative?

What’s one reason you are passionate about music and what inspires you?

It saved my life , and i just have to create there’s no other option for me , i can be inspired by everything from a certain music or a movie even just  one sound or a sentence that someone said to me 

Who are some of your main musical influences?

There are so many things I love, it can change every day from classical music to Japanese music to classics like Pink Floyd and the Beatles, and more of an alternative stuff like Radiohead, Tame Impala, Air and Bjork to hip hop and trap like Wu Tang and Travis Scott, but I really like a lot. Punk music is also a big part of my life ,but honestly i can talk for hours about different music  

Tell us the name of the project you are currently promoting? What inspired this project?

“Space Donuts” is the second single off of my debut album, and it’s inspired by some of my favorite movies like Fight Club , Interstellar and Alice in Wonderland, but the cartoon version is much better than the live version.

Do you have a date that this project dropped or is set to drop?

This project dropped the other week actually 

What is this project about in your own words?

Materialism, the perception of love, leaving our comfort zones and the fear of doing so, but the main point is that none of these topics matter since we are floating around here like “donuts”

What’s next for you? Are you working on any upcoming projects we should be on the lookout for?

There are a lot of things going on, but I’m really looking forward to my album that’s about 80 percent done right now, and I’ll be releasing more singles out of it pretty soon.

What message do you hope fans take away from your music and from this project?

Imagine a color that doesn’t exist. and try to be 100 percent yourself

Where can we follow you on social media?

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