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Calgary rapper RTC Profit showcases lyricism on latest project ‘Conflict of Interest’

RTC Profit is an artist who’s always loved music since he was young. His project, ‘Conflict of Interest,’ which is an 8-track project that showcases RTC Profit’s lyricism and flow in different ways throughout the compilation. Standout tracks include “Dystopia,” “Wisdom of Solomon,” and the title name “Conflict of Interest.” The Calgary born artist has a contemporary take on conscious lyricism, which displays versatility over many types of soundscapes.

RTC Profit’s artist name, which stands for Rise To Conquer, was inspired by a biblical reference to the word “prophet.”

“The name RTC Profit represents the ambition to overcome the financial matrix,” he explains.

In his own words, RTC Profit explains that the project is about “exhibiting resilience and finding peace, while not being shifted by the different situations that life presents us with.”

With a promising career in music, audiences should tap into RTC Profit sooner than later. Given this artists’ consistency and nature to produce quality content, it’s sure enough he’ll turn a fan out of anyone.

Remixd Magazine got a chance to chat more with RTC Profit, read more of the interview below:

What’s one reason you are passionate about music and what inspires you?
I have always loved music since I was young. From soul to gospel, calypso to R&B, music  was always playing in my household growing up. I always gravitated to hip-hop  because of the clever wordplay that you would have to rewind to catch. My music is  inspired by life experiences and I aim to convey them in a way that’s insightful and  thought provoking. 

Who are some of your main musical influences?
My musical influences are wide ranging, including Oscar Peterson, Erykah Badu, Marvin Gaye, Nas, Freddie Gibbs, Black Thought and Prodigy.

Tell us the name of the project you are currently promoting? What inspired this project?
I released two projects in 2022. ‘Persona Non Grata’ in April and ‘Conflict Of Interest’ in December. The inspiration for both projects was the concept of maintaining one’s morals and character regardless the setting and circumstance.

What is this project about in your own words?
The motivation and theme behind ‘Conflict Of Interest’ is exhibiting resilience and finding peace while not being shifted by the different situations that life presents us with.

What’s next for you? Are you working on any upcoming projects we should be on the  lookout for? Include some dates if you have them. 

 In terms of music, the goal this year is to release 2 albums, each being a collaborative  effort between myself and producers I have worked with in the past. One album with DDWAVE and another with GreeneryyBeats. No set release date yet but both are in  the works. 

What message do you hope fans take away from your music and from this project?
As with all of my music, I aim to provide motivation and insight within the references  and wordplay. I like to drop jewels within the records that won’t always be caught on  the first listen so that people can takeaway something different every time they  press play. 

Where can we follow you on social media? Include links.
@rtcprofit across all platforms



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