Diddy’s former bodyguard responds to threats against him: “Read the lawsuit before you come at me”


After the release of the video of the alleged physical abuse directed from Sean “Diddy” Combs onto his then ex-girlfriend, Cassie Ventura. Many other victims, allegations, accusations, and statements have raised from individuals associated.

One of the many include Diddy’s former bodyguard, Roger Bonds, who has spoken to media outlets such as Piers Morgan about his old employer’s alleged abuse of Cassie and Kim Porter.

Accusations Towards Diddy’s Bodyguard

After releasing an apology statement via his Instagram, the backlash from being associated with Combs have unraveled numerous stories of his abuse and mistreatment of those he’s worked with, with various videos and statements made on different outlets and platforms.

via The Art of Dialogue

Bond’s statement

In a video posted by Bonds via The Art Of Dialouge Twitter account, Bonds states:

“I don’t give a f**k what y’all say, I don’t know y’all…Half of y’all – most of y’all, Puff don’t know. Y’all just d**kriding and standing up for a n***a that could beat up your mother, beat up your sister, beat up your daughter, beat up everything. Yeah, it’s a lot of reasons why I’m doing this, you know what I’m saying? But don’t say that I didn’t speak up and don’t say that I didn’t come between them.”

Read the lawsuit before you come at me and say, ‘Yo, you did this, you did that, you didn’t do this, do that,'” Diddy’s former bodyguard concluded. “All you washed-up n***as, y’all can save it, man, this is for the women, period. This ain’t even for you n***as that’s saying slick s**t to me. Because none of y’all n***as would say slick s**t to me straight up and down. And if y’all n***as is willing to meet your demise over a motherf***er you don’t even know… then you know how to handle it.”

Read more stories on Remixd Magazine.



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