Interview: Landon Thomas on the creation of ‘R U STILL MAD AT ME’

Landon Thomas
Landon Thomas tells Remixd Magazine about how his project came together.

Hailing from the vibrant city of Pittsburgh, PA, Landon Thomas (@lanfrompa) is making waves in the music industry with a sound deeply rooted in the early 2000s. But who is Landon Thomas, and what inspires his unique musical journey? He spoke with Remixd Magazine to discuss his journey.

Landon Thomas, the artist’s given name, is also his stage moniker. When asked about his artist name, he shared, “After trying names and it not feeling authentic to me, I decided to keep it under tradition.” This decision reflects his commitment to authenticity and staying true to his roots. Thomas’ music is often described as a throwback to the early 2000s, offering a familiar and comforting sound. He explains, “It gives you a warm feel of a sound that we all love.” This connection to the past, combined with his unique perspective, sets his music apart in today’s music landscape.

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The Roots of Inspiration: Family and Clarity Through Music

Music has always been a part of Landon’s life. He grew up surrounded by family members who were deeply involved in music. “My uncles were band members,” he revealed, “My mom is always a lead vocalist.” This musical upbringing naturally led him to explore his own creative talents. “I got into writing at a young age,” he shared, “and it never stopped being an important way to find clarity.”

When discussing his musical influences, Landon Thomas mentions some of the greatest names in the industry. “Usher is probably my favorite artist of all time,” he declared. He fondly remembers studying Usher’s iconic album “8701” from start to finish. Additionally, he draws inspiration from legends like Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Prince, and the Isley Brothers, particularly appreciating their songwriting prowess.

Landon Thomas is currently promoting his latest project, “R U Still Mad At Me.” This endeavor marks a significant milestone as it’s the first time he worked closely with a producer on a full project. He explained, “As we spoke and worked, the concept just came together based on the energy and topics we touched in the studio.”

Fans of Landon Thomas were in for a treat on September 3rd when “R U Still Mad At Me” dropped. The project reflects Landon’s willingness to be honest and vulnerable about his past mistakes in relationships. He described it as a journey through complicated feelings and self-discovery. Looking ahead, Landon Thomas has exciting plans. “I’m looking to hopefully be a part of festivals and build a tour in the near future,” he shared. He’s also eager to release more music, hinting at even more to come in the near future.

Takeaway message for fans

Ultimately, Landon Thomas hopes that his music resonates with listeners on a personal level. “I want people to relate,” he expressed. “We have all had multiple lessons in love. Some situations are more triggering than others, but overall I hope everyone who takes a chance to listen finds the heart in the music.”

To dive into the world of Landon Thomas, you can follow him on Instagram and Spotify. To access all of his music conveniently in one place, use this link: Landon Thomas’ Music.

Additionally, you can stay updated on his journey by following him on Twitter: Landon Thomas on Twitter and Instagram: Landon Thomas on Instagram.



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