Interview: Yung Esckimo talks going from music executive to recording artist, his creative process, and his upcoming project

Yung Esckimo

New York born- rapper, Yung Esckimo, is all about manifestation and hard work. As a passionate and purposeful lyricist, Yung Esckimo is on a mission to empower his listeners.

His new project, Blue Magic, releasing this fall, will give fans a glimpse into his life and journey to becoming an artist. “It’s going to be the same message…prosper,” he said.

Rexmixd Mag caught up with Yung Esckimo in an exclusive interview where he shared what his career as an artist has been like, his creative process, and what it means to be a rapper from the birthplace of hip-hop.

Check out the interview below:

Q: We just officially celebrated 50 years of hip hop last week, what does it mean to be an artist from the mecca of hip hop?

A: It means a lot. We’ve got 50 years going and it means a lot to be a part of the next 50 years. We’re keeping it going and it’s definitely changed a lot of our lives and given us a platform to do and sustain off of the culture.

Q: You’ve been in the industry for a while but as an Executive of your label, SCAM Inc. Could you tell me about the message behind the name of your label?

A: It means “Success Comes After Manifestation.” In order for you to be successful and in order for you to win, you have to visualize it, and you have to manifest it. That’s how we got here, we manifested everything we wanted, but manifestation without hard work and dedication is nothing. 

Q: What have been some of the most challenging and rewarding things you’ve experienced since focusing on your career as an artist?

A: Some of the challenges as an artist are really the commitment and building yourself as an artist in order for people to actually stop what they’re doing and tune into what you have going on, and that’s really been one of the challenges. One of the most rewarding things about it is when you see that hard work actually pays off. You know, I might hop out somewhere in the hood and I’ll have a random person come up to me and sing a hook randomly. That’s one of the best parts about being an artist when you see your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.

Q: What motivates you as an artist? What’s your reason behind doing music?

A: My message is keep going, don’t stop. We’re motiving the youth. I do a lot of hustler music. Just put some Yung Esckimo on and I’m sure you’re going to be motivated to take it to the next level and go as far as you can.

Q: What’s a studio session with Yung Esckimo like?

A: It’s all energy. As long as I’m locked in with the right crowd, we just try to find the right feeling and when we do go in there it’s magic. 

Q: How has being an artist with Latin roots inspired your music career?

A: It means a lot, especially being a Hispanic artist that’s building everything from the ground up. You might see a few here and there, like Fat Joe and Pitbull, but in this generation, you don’t see too many. 

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