Joel Mank: Meet Paris’ fashion forward designer

Joel Mank

In spite of Joel Mank‘s relatively new name, he is making monumental moves on his strive to stardom. It is, however, already well-known in Paris and soon he will be a worldwide staple!

Paris is considered the world’s fashion capital by many people and because of this, trends take off over there before becoming popular in America. As a result, Joël Mank should soon have a very popular line, as he’s making the transition to the United States.

In fact, maintaining momentum, Joel Mank is currently promoting the “With Love or Nothing” campaign. Cut from a creatively, captivating cloth – consumers can choose from a variety of high-end pieces. Actually, Joël Mank is available in Paris at Herold Paris. Here, consumers can actually shop for Joël Mank. There are many pieces, as previously mentioned, but the fabrics they’re made from are among the best in the world.

Joël Mank has become one of the most promising rising fashion brands. Already, they have conquered the toughest fashion market in the world. Creating a clothing line in Paris and getting in a store is no easy feat. With that being said, Joel Mank is now breaking barriers to break into the American market.

Stay tuned here at Remixd Magazine for more on this fashion-forward trailblazing talent! For now, get familiar with Joel Mank by checking out our quick interview. Lastly, let us know your thoughts in the comments.

The Joel Mank interview

  • Let’s bring it back to the beginning. Where are you from and where did it all begin?

I am from France and I’ve got Congolese ( Congo Brazzaville) origin

  • When did you realize fashion was your calling and it was something you wanted to pursue?

I’ve came to France at the age of 6 because I was escaping a civil war in Congo Brazzaville and since my youngest age, around 18 years old, I already knew and understood that following my path in the fashion industry as a fashion designer would be my destiny; because to create/to design was and is like a therapy for me.

This is a way that I found to escape from the sadness of my reality and to transform/change it as pure joy as I finally understood and find happiness in others’ smiles. That is also why I wanted my brand DNA, philosophy and experience to be illustrated with this sentence: “Joel Mank experience is to meet as strangers, but leave as friends” Indeed, all my clients have become my friends and since 2016 Joel Mank Family has been continuously growing into love and goodwill.

  • Please share a time when it was negative but you rose above and chose no to waste any time with negativity?

Forgiveness has always been the way for me to rise among negativity. Because forgiveness is rest. I’ve succeeded to be at peace with myself and mostly to allow myself to move forward and imagine tomorrow in a spiritual blue context. I’ve grown surrounded by sadness and misunderstood because of the war context I lived in and the act of creation allows me to see life differently and to bring love and goodwill to all the people I’ve ever meet in my life.

Today I know that behind every people’s action, whether it’s a good or bad action, is a positive intention. To stick to that vision helped build the man I am today.

  • What’s your creative process like?

My creative process is active listening, observing so that i can feel the emotion of the people. That is the main key element for me to create accessories and design outfit that support people in where they want to go (positive evolution) . My creations have always been supported with some positive words in order to help he or she who buy it, and therefore bring them to the best version of themselves.

  • Who would you credit your career and/or inspiration in Fashion to?

Nick Wooster , Lapo Elkann and my cousin Christopher Louzieni who is the one who introduce me to these two icons of fashion industry from my youngest age as he realized and saw in me the epicurean soul who needed inspiration to stand on my own feet.

6- The word “never” does not exist in my vocabulary as I see each type of fabric as an emotion and I love to touch and explore everything that is linked to an emotion, everything that can build a story 

  • How would you describe your style and who you are as an individual?

I see myself as an old soul in a young body, therefore I love every vintage style merged with a touch of modernity. I identify myself as an epicurean and the aim of my style is to promote the beautiful ancient and the noble. To have style does not mean following a trend in the rhythm of the seasons but to authorize ourselves to be authentically ourselves. In that way we gain the power to make other wants to try and be what they never dare to be or to try.

  • Tell us something we don’t know.

The Joel Mank bucket hat in bi-fabrics was born thanks to a social thinking: the coexsitance/”living together” The bucket hat represent the diversity thanks to this bi material aspect. I truly believe that this creation can be successful as we are living in a time where people can relate to this co-existence society, and since the mix of fabric hat is reflecting the aspect of living together + tolerence

Mix of fabric = meaning 2 fabrics that can goes together perfectly well = are complementary just like our modern societies where we all live together with the ethnical, religious, and other diversities

  • What’s next for fashion and Joel Mank?

I see my brand continuously evolving in tech accessories and outfit that bring peace to the ones who wear it as it is important for me to break the rules of fashion and offer a true experience based on non-discriminatory creation, neither for the body nor the spirit.



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