Kolo releases new EP “The Basement Files, Vol. 4”

Kolo's new EP "The Basement Files Vol 4"

Atlanta-living but Nigerian-born artist Kolo culminates his ‘Basement’ series with his latest project “Basement Files, Vol. 4,” where he demonstrates his versatility as an artist and producer with varied influences which he in parts credits to him growing up throughout Europe and eventually in America. This coupled with his obvious intelligence and maturity stemming from his mastery of higher education and spending time in so many places makes this EP very interesting to listen to. At six tracks it is short but packs the punch of a longer release which speaks to the many things Kolo can do as an artist and the great wisdom he possesses. The project represents Kolo finally reaching a place in his life where he feels like he is finally out of the basement while simultaneously dealing with the pressure of success and the disappointment of seeing what you have worked for not being all you thought it might be. I am intrigued to see where he emerges from the basement and look forward to further hearing Kolo develop as an artist.

Stream Kolo’s EP below:

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