Rising songstress Chéri Yielle is an artist you will want to get familiar with. Coming off the release of her “In The Sky/Off The Rim” video, she is ready to show the world just how powerful her musical gifts are. As someone who uses music to heal her self and others, this release is embodied who Yielle is as an artist. I had the pleasure of catching up with her for candid interview to discuss her new visual. Check it out below.
Who is Chéri Yielle?
I’m an artist who wants to create things that feel really good and help people in some way. If I can do both in the same breathe, it will feel like hitting the jackpot. Chéri is a sweetheart, but a “yell” is a powerful use of voice. I just want to spread love and truth in a powerful and meaningful way.
How did you get your start in music?
I have always loved music and performing for my parents. I was always creating something, whether I was drawing or writing. I could not really sing, but it was a challenge and a test for me to see if I loved it and felt called to music enough to work hard over time to get to where I wanted to be. I knew I wanted to do music full time in middle school, so I started acting and modeling thinking it would be awesome while helping me meet someone to show me the way. Eventually I did, and I just learned and grew with different people over the years. I found myself over and over again, and reached different milestones as I was ready to.
Who inspires you to continue creating despite the quarantine?
First and foremost, my mom. She deserves for me to keep going regardless of any obstacles. That’s what she does for me, and I can’t let her and my dad’s sacrifice and support for me, to be in vain. Everything is an opportunity for something.
Who are some of your musical influencers?
The artists I grew up in love with are Michael Jackson, Alicia Keys, Lauryn Hill, Nelly Furtado, Miguel, and countless others from different genres. Nowadays, I’m definitely listening to Kehlani, Sampha, SZA, Nao, and so many more. It’s an awesome time for listening to fresh music, in my opinion.
What was the inspiration behind your new In The Sky/Off The Rim visual?
I just wanted to tell my story in a very transparent, and autobiographical way. I felt like the people who have supported me so much, deserved to see me bring down the curtain and show them where the music itself came from. During college, I experienced falling in love and losing it right after losing my dad, and dealing with my mom getting sick shortly after. I finished school, but it was torture emotionally and mentally, and it took a toll on me and the relationship I thought would last forever. My therapist at the time diagnosed me with PTSD because of the episodes I was having, crying, unable to catch my breath, and always being anxious. My world was upside down, and I wanted to put it in art.
When can we expect a new project from you?
2020 has been full of surprises and has not shown much consideration for our plans, but I expect to share a little something new before the year ends or to start off 2021. I am in the studio working hard.
How can people stay update to with you?
They can subscribe to my email list at www.cheriyielle.com, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and follow me on IG, Twitter, Facebook, and LÜM. All those social handles are just @cheriyielle.
Press play below to view Chéri Yielle “In The Sky/Off The Rim” visual.