Pacman Da Gunman & Yhung T.O. continue to bridge the gap between LA and The Bay whilst releasing quality music and accompanying visuals. Only a few weeks since the release of their collaborative project “Lord Knows” the duo is back with “Soulja Mentality”. Continuing their theme of refreshingly creative visuals, Pacman and T.O. find themselves in the hot California desert surrounded by a select group of recruits to join their infantry. Those recruits happen to be beautiful women with paintball guns battling it out to earn a spot on T.O. and Pacman’s respective teams. Whoever can best grasp the lyrics “I’m a soldier baby, don’t cry for me I was made for war, you hear the stories, you see the scars, I been here before” and has the best aim will undoubtedly be victorious.
The industry should continue their surveillance of Yhung T.O. and Pacman as they both have an uncanny cannonry of music stockpiled ready to be shot out the rest of the year.