The rap duo, which consists of Migos members Quavo and Takeoff, developed a new moniker inspired by their family ties as Quavo is Takeoff’s uncle. They debuted as Unc And Phew in the Murda Beatz produced song, “Hotel Lobby” dropped Friday, May 20th.
The visuals to the song, directed by Quavo and Keemotion, is a modern day nod to Terry Gilliam’s 1998 comedy/cult film Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. In the video, Quavo & Takeoff are on a road trip to Las Vegas while also being on a figurative “bad trip”. The duo showcase their comedic talents throughout the video while minor chaos erupts on their journey to Vegas, taking psychedelics, pulling up to the hotel lobby (shot at The Plaza Hotel & Casino) under the influence with their distorted faces and hallucination, and overall experiencing the Vegas lifestyle. All while dressed in true Quavo and Takeoff fashion, styled by Brandon Yamada.
Hotel Lobby seems to be just the beginning to what Unc And Phew have in store for us. Are we ready for the takeover of the new duo?
NLE Choppa and Imagine Dragons “Dare You” to defy the odds with his new single
Blending the raw intensity of hip-hop with the eclectic energy of alternative rock, NLE Choppa and Imagine Dragons deliver an empowering anthem with “Dare You,”