R&B/Soul singer Roni talks inspiration behind album ‘Paradise’

“I am passionate about music because when I have no words, the music speaks,” Roni told RemixdMag. “Sometimes a song doesn’t even have to make sense but I can remember how it made me feel.”

R&B artist Roni recently shared the deluxe version of her latest album Paradise, which is out now on all platforms. Throughout the album, the sultry songstress shares a raw rendition of her R&B vocals, which truly are a testament to her sound and ability as an artist.

A few standouts on the album include “March 27th” ft. Zilla, and “El Camino.” The 10-track deluxe project is an R&B album in its purest form, but encompasses many varying elements of soul, electronic, and even hip-hop influences. The result is a beautiful culmination of sonically pleasing sounds that audiences are sure to have on repeat.

Roni shows off her talents on the album, which position her as someone to definitely be on the lookout for as she gears up to release even more projects in the future.

Keep reading to learn more about her and her project Paradise.

What is your artist name? What is your real name? How did you get your artist name?

Roni. Is my artist name. My real name is Veronica, and through high school playing sports everyone called me Roni so it just stuck.

At what point in your life did you decide to pursue a career in music?

After graduating high school and seeing the response I was getting on SoundCloud and from peers I decided to take music more seriously rather than just a hobby.

Has your upbringing played a role in shaping who you are and defining your sound today? If so, how?

It definitely has, I grew up singing in church and so some of my influence comes directly from the gospel sound as well as coming up with a family of singers and people who love music. My father was a DJ back in the day so I would listen to a lot of old school music which directly inspires me today.

How would you describe your sound to readers who may not be familiar with you?

If I could put words to my sound I would describe it as a fusion of alternative R&B and Soul. I also get elements from west coast rap and electronic music. I try not to stray too far away from a pure R&B sound though.

What ultimately inspired you to dedicate yourself to a music career?

A lot of music nowadays has the same sound and I want to be apart of the generation who brings integrity back to R&B. I love this new wave but I want to make sure we keep it pure. I don’t want the sound to be lost ever.

I wanted to add my two cents to the industry. I see music as a passion of mine and I’m seeing where it takes me. I’m letting my work speak for itself. If I can only gain just a handful of loyal supporters I’ve reached my goal.

What’s one reason you are passionate about music and what inspires you?

I am passionate about music because when I have no words, the music speaks. Even when I hear random riffs and groans I can hear the passion and feel. Sometimes a song doesn’t even have to make sense but I can remember how it made me feel. I love when I can connect with people through my music and when people relate to different topics I touch on in my songs. I want to grow and learn and I want my music to reflect that.

Who are some of your main musical influences?

I have so many but I’ll condense it to the main ones. Brandy is number one, this can’t be shocking because many R&B artists today take so much from the sound she created. Her tone, vocal layering, and harmonies are unmatched. Drake is another influence that I’m sure many have drawn from but for me I particularly like his style of writing and relatability. I hold myself to a high standard because of Drake and how many memorable lyrics he has. I want my lyrics to be memorable and unique. This question is so hard for me because so many artists have influenced my sound but these are the ones that have directly inspired me.

What are some of your music career goals for the future?

Most recently I have set a goal to write a song for a male artist. I love writing outside of my personal perspective. I feel like I can write a song for a man because I know what a woman would want to hear. In the long term, my goal is for my music to be deemed as “timeless”. I would like to be respected in the industry by legends and upcoming artists.

Tell us about the project that you are promoting. What is it about? Is it a single or EP? Also, what is the name of the last project you released?

My latest album, Paradise. I released a deluxe version of it as well. This album was a testament to how polar the term “paradise” can be. I can be in a state of paradise for a while but after a while that paradise can turn into hell. Being in love is a similar feeling.

What has the response been like to that project?

I’m so proud of the response my team and I have gotten upon this release. This definitely showed how versatile I can be compared to my older music. It also set a bar that I can’t wait to surpass.

What’s next for you? Are you working on any upcoming projects we should be on the lookout for? Include some dates if you have them.

As of right now I am working on doing more discovery of my sound and my brand. I have a lot of unreleased stuff on the way so you’re in for a treat. I’m big on collaborating with some other dope artists at the moment.

What message do you hope fans take away from your music?

My main priority is for people to know that they’re not alone in how they feel, Being vulnerable is not weak, and take responsibility when you do wrong. A lot of my music is centered around me taking responsibility for things that I may not get right. I want to tell my story. I want people to get to know who Roni is.

Where can we follow you on social media?

@prettymissroni on Instagram and Twitter.
Stream Roni’s album Paradise below.



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