Benji demands respect with his latest single “King Me”


Upcoming artist, Benji is making waves with his latest single”King Me.” For this release, he has teamed up with an additionally upcoming artist Benzly where they both exercise their lyrical ability. For this release, Benji has accompanied the high energy track with a music video.

The single “King me” goes extremely self explanatory. King Me is about cementing your name and claiming what’s owed to you/your respect,” he said. Throughout the single, Benji displays high confidence and several instances of word play. For example,the songs instrumental contains multiple string instruments that resemble an orchestra. He adds to this by saying “I pull the strings like a a cello.” This further demonstrates his intentionality as an artist. Additionally, the song serves as a mood enhancer with it’s high tempo and constant cadence. He maintains the same amount of high energy during the song’s music video.

Watch “King Me” visual by Benji featuring Benzyl down below

Futhermore, The music video perfectly depicts the song. The opening scene pans into a woman playing the cello as reference in the songs lyrics and instrumental. There is a strong emphasis on both Benji and Benzly throughout the video. The two also share similar outfits throughout the video, Nonetheless they are both well dressed while performing the song throughout the video. Like the song, the video is straight forward. it perfectly resembles the message being stated throughout the song.

Moreover, this song strong performance from Benji. Additionally he and Benzly, make quite the duo. This single is also the first from his upcoming album. This song was a great first choice to encompass his artistry. Benji proves he is an upcoming artist to keep your eyes on. To keep up with the the latest on Benji’s career, you can follow his Instagram here. You Can also stream “ King me” down below.



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