Jay-Z weighs in, says people should take the $500K instead of having lunch with him

Jay-Z is finally weighing in on a long-standing debate.

“Dinner or $500,000? I would not tell you to cut a bad deal.”

The viral video of Jay-Z in an interview with Gayle King has made its way to the social media flood gates. In the video, the Brooklyn rapper gives his opinion on the debate over if he would take $500K or dinner with him. The rapper says, “You gotta take the money. What should I say? You got all that in the music for $10.99. That is a bad idea. Like, take the $500,000, go buy some albums, and listen to the albums. It’s all there.”

Jay was basically insinuating to take the money, because all the wisdom is already in his music. “If you piece together and really listen to the music for the words, for what it is, it’s all there. Everything that I said was going to happen, happened. Everything that I said I wanted to do, I have done, there’s The Blueprint. The album is my life, and my journey is there already.”

$500,000 OR dinner with Jay-Z?

As Revolt reported, on October 16th, Jay-Z was approached by a fan named K Rich. The fan approached the mogul and said, “I’m taking that $500,000. I ain’t taking that dinner. I’m taking that $500,000.” Jay-Z replied and said, “Be good, man.” It is interesting, this topic has made its way on several social media platforms, and a lot of fans claim they would go for dinner with Jay. In recent Instagram comments, one fan wrote, “Bro wasted a very iconic moment with a question Hov didn’t even answer.” Another comment read, “The approach could have been iconic, but the topic threw off the vibes. Just dap the man up and keep the conversation you were excitedly having between you and whoever.” The fans have spoken, and while some would have taken the dinner, many would be happy with the $500k.

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