R&B duo Connor Caine and megan. release new EP ‘Luna’

In a new intimate complimentary project, R&B duo Connor Caine and megan. make their mark with new EP Luna. With standout tracks such as “Honeydew” and “Sit Back,” the two artists dive into what they do best and deliver melodic vibes throughout the project. Each track is intricate and personable, taking audiences on a journey that allows them to learn more about the duo and how they are able to beautifully compliment the melody on each song with their vocals.


Taking us on an audible voyage through the abysmal depths of the break-up stage, Connor Caine and megan., present a much welcomed appetizer with Luna, that will likely leave listeners wanting more. Fans can expect an extended length music video that spans the entire EP as well as new music from Connor Caine before the new year.

Listen to Luna below.



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